GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption. Any form of bribery, whether in the offering or the accepting of a bribe, is strictly prohibited. Such practices are contrary to the core values of our business and violate the highest legal, moral, and ethical standards upheld by GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV.
Bribery and corruption are governed by both national and international laws. These regulations require companies to implement rigorous and proactive measures to detect and prevent corrupt practices.
Commitment to Ethical Conduct
At GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical and legal conduct. We are dedicated to ensuring that our actions do not harm the company, its affiliates, customers, or the broader industry. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that our employees and business partners are fully informed about relevant laws and regulations and will monitor compliance to ensure continuous adherence to these principles.
Legal Compliance
GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV is committed to complying with all applicable laws against bribery and corruption in every jurisdiction where we operate. This includes not only the laws of the countries where we conduct business but also international regulations governing the conduct of companies and individuals, both domestically and abroad.
Ethical Standards
We take a firm, zero-tolerance stance on bribery and corruption. At all times, GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV will conduct its business with professionalism, fairness, and the utmost integrity in all of our dealings and relationships. This applies to every aspect of our operations.
Code of Conduct
GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV is committed to the following principles:
- Zero Tolerance for Bribery: We will never engage in any form of bribery, whether directly or through any third party.
- Prohibition of Improper Payments: We will never offer, authorize, or make improper payments (whether cash or otherwise) to any individual, including local or foreign officials, anywhere in the world.
- Rejection of Illegal or Improper Influence: We will never attempt to induce an individual, or a local or foreign official, to act illegally or improperly.
- No Gifts or Kickbacks in Business Procurement: We will never offer, accept, or request money or anything of value, such as gifts, kickbacks, or commissions, in relation to the procurement of business or the awarding of contracts.
- No Favors for Public Officials: We will never offer or give any gift or token of hospitality to any public employee or government official, where there is an expectation or implication of a return favor.
- Prohibition on Accepting Gifts with Expectations of Reciprocity: We will never accept any gift from any business partner where there is an indication that a return favor is expected or implied.
- No Facilitation Payments: We will never make facilitation payments to obtain services or benefits to which we would not normally be entitled.
- Duty to Report Improper Payments: We will never ignore or fail to report any signs of improper payments to the relevant authorities.
- Assisting Others to Comply with the Law: We will never induce or assist any individual in breaking any applicable law or regulation.
Enforcement and Reporting
We take compliance with this Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy seriously. Employees, contractors, and business partners who fail to adhere to these standards will face disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment or contracts. Any individual who becomes aware of bribery or corruption within GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV is required to report it immediately to the appropriate authorities within the company.
By adhering to these strict guidelines, GLOBAL Moving and Shipping BV aims to maintain the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical behavior in all our global operations. We expect the same commitment to ethical conduct from our employees, contractors, and business partners.